Reviewing a Receiving Order

After a receiving order is saved to the system, it is available for review at the Receiving Orders page.

  1. Select Orders > Receiving Order; the Receiving Orders page appears.

Receiving Orders page

  1. To review a receiving order, go to the Select Order portion of the Receiving Orders page.

Picking Orders page - Select Order portion

  1. Show Closed Orders checkbox: The system is automatically set to show open orders only. A receiving order is considered open if it has not yet been totally fulfilled. After an order has been totally filled, it is considered closed. To view both open and closed orders in the receiving order list, mark the Show Closed Orders checkbox.

Receiving Orders page - Select Order portion - Show Closed Orders check box

  1. Order Number: To view the receiving order list and select a receiving order for review, click the drop-down arrow in the Order Number field and select an order from the list that appears.

Receiving Orders page - Select Order portion - Order Number field drop-down list

  1. After you select an order from the Order Number list, the order information populates the page.

Receiving Orders page - with Order Selected

  1. To view a line item in detail, click the Expand icon to the left of the line item. The Prior Receive nested grid appears for this line item. It shows the item-location-uom-quantity details.

  1. The following icons in the bottom right portion of the page activate: